How I get Adsense approval for my blogspot website | Solve Adsense Rejections


In this article, I will share my experience about how I personally got this blogspot website approved by Google AdSense and what procedures needed to do for getting ready to approve your site with AdSense. And before applying adsense what are the steps need to do follow. 

google adsense requirements for website

Before entering into the topic, you must be clear, that you have written your own articles without copying others and using your own images. Then only you are eligible to get approval from the Google AdSense. Let's dive into the topic about getting AdSense approval for your blogger website.

How I got Google AdSense approval for this site!

Some People get mail from AdSense within 24 hours by the time of applying. Some of you may have doubts, will AdSense approve my site or not? But the important thing before applying your site to Google AdSense, resolve the errors faced in the rejection.

Some of them research the errors resolve them and reapply for AdSense. But some people didn't understand the errors properly. That was the main thing you had done after re-applying AdSense.

Major Rejection Faced in the Google AdSense:

  • Site Navigation Errors
  • Low-Value Content
  • Content Policy Violations
Let me explain each error briefly why it is happened? and how to solve it?

Site Navigation Error:

This error is due to not being able to navigate the pages as the labels and drop-down menu options. And user experience was not satisfied. 

Make sure the navigation bar is present on your website at the top of the page. Ensure all the menus have a proper 200 response from the user. 

If the page has no content or it's throws 404 then make sure to fix the page or redirect the page to another page.

To solve this error easily, use a user-friendly blogger template. And lastly include the Home, About, Contact, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer Pages in the Top & bottom of the pages.

Low-Value Content:

when you are using other people's content & Images in your blog post. Also, if you are creating content that is already present on the internet you won't get the AdSense approval from Google.

The solution for Low-Value Content in Adsense is, to create unique content that does not present or already appears on the internet. I faced 4 times this error and then got approval from Google AdSense.

Do some research regarding the content like what people are looking for and why people should visit your blog, what is the need? If you have the answers to the above questions then start writing content to solve the people queries and people searches.

If you get unique return visitors then you can apply your site at the time. You will get approval from Google adsense easily.  

Content Policy Violation:

Google AdSense had some policies for content creators. So, you need to follow their rules and regulations, or else your site will not approved by Google AdSense.

Some of the policies are.
  • Not to Make Duplicate Content
  • Not to Use other creator's images and videos without proper credits
  • Make Original & Useful content for visitors.
To Know More errors in Google AdSense while applying Visit Here.

7 Steps that you should follow before applying AdSense

  1. Design of your website/blog
  2. Don't create existing Content.
  3. Create Pages for your site.
  4. Website Age
  5. Getting real Visitors
  6. Don't add third-party ads to your site.
  7. Create Your Own Content
These seven steps that will help you to get AdSense approval easily. Let we will see step by step with the explanation.

1. Design of Your Website/Blog

The structure and design of your website should look professional and user-friendly to the visitors on both mobile and desktop. You can check the speed and performances of your website through google page speed Insights tool.

It will help your site to decrease the bounce rate and get real time engagement for your site.

If your site doesn't have the perfect theme/template then you will get a navigation error, when applying your site on Google AdSense.

So, make sure to choose the best template that gives the best user experience for the visitors.

2. Don't Create Existing Content

If you create content that is already present on the global, then you won't rank on search engines.

So, before writing the content, check how many articles are available on the search engine. If that content has presented already on the internet then leave that topic and try to write a unique topic.

You need to create your own content and try to understand your audience. In your site, check which content has more engagements and more visitors. And then keep writing blog posts related to that topic/niche.

By writing content this way, you will get real visitors/audience and has more chance to get organic traffic without sharing on social media.

3. Create Pages for your site

If you have a website/blog (or) forum (or) tool site, you must create pages like About Us, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer page.

Some of you may think like what is the use of these pages? and why do need to I create these pages on my blog? 

If a new visitor have a look into your website, they want to know who you are? what content you are providing? what data do you collect and why?. For these queries you need to tell them using these pages.

For Example:
If you have an entertainment blog, then your audience didn't know about what was the category? and what information do you write in your blog?

So, if you have the about page, then your audience will know about your site. Like that they will read the privacy policy and disclaimer for your site.

4. Website Age

The website age will help you to rank your posts on the search engines. So, don't apply your site before your site has a minimum of one month old.

And also, you need to update your posts when the posts not getting traffic or got fewer users. This will help your site rank in the top ten positions on the search engine.

5. Getting real Visitors

Now, you have a doubt that who are all real visitors? what is the use of traffic from real visitors?

The visitors who are seeking information or content that need to useful for them. So, only real visitors make your site to increase engagement and rank your site.

The real visitors will come via organic trafficsocial traffic (Followers), and also Direct traffic (Existing Users).

6. Don't Add third party ads

There are so many third-party advertisements are available. But they do not give you enough revenue in the beginning stage.

If you have more than  thousand (1000) views per day, then only you can earn some dollars.

And also, another reason is, when applying AdSense, the third-party code will confuse you to place the AdSense code. This will cause you to reject your site in Google AdSense.

7. Create Your Own content

Many new bloggers made mistakes in the beginning stage; they don't know what will affect them in the future.

Some of you ask what were the mistakes? The answer is creating content that presents on another site This will cause duplicate content and low-value errors in google AdSense.

So, create content with your own idea.


I Believe that your questions are solved by this article. If you have further questions or queries regarding Google AdSense approval means comment below.

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